Quebec Immigration Applies Values Test

The state of Quebec has begun the new year with the implementation of the Quebec Values Test, a further step towards the special immigration process in the province. People hoping to make the territory their new home will now have to pass a test consisting of Quebec culture questions. It covers issues including gender rights, same-sex marriage, secularism and symbols of faith.

Bill 9 of Quebec entered into force as from January 1. The bill seeks to meet the labor market needs of the province by facilitating the absorption of new immigrants into Quebec society. To this end, the bill allows the Government of Quebec to collect the information required to determine their ability to integrate into society based on their understanding of the French language, as well as the culture and customs of the Province.

The goal of the test is to promote socially as well as economically incorporation into Quebec society. Through means of this test, immigrants pledge their commitment to maintaining the principles of a democratic society, as well as their intention to promote the French language and culture.

Quebec Immigration Applies Values Test

This provision extends to all family members who wish to immigrate to the province through any of the economic immigration services in Quebec, including the spouse or partner of the primary applicant and any dependent children 18 years of age and over. The evaluation must be carried out within 60 days of the application being submitted in order to be considered as legitimate.

Those who already hold a work or research permit and live in Quebec will be required to complete an online learning assessment consisting of 20 randomly selected questions. They will have two chances to complete that evaluation successfully. Individuals must score at least 15/20 or 75 percent to meet the new criteria.

If they fail, they will be required to participate in an information session lasting 24 hours over a span of several days in order to become familiar with the principles found in the Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms.

The government has said it believes this will help attract immigrants who are best suited to fill job market shortages, particularly in rural areas. The Government of Quebec has indicated that it believes French awareness helps new immigrants gain better access to education, public services and jobs.

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